July 7, 2015
By Adam
The Music Video That Took 70 Years To Make

Every so often a video on the internet shakes you to your core.

When my friend Dan Teicher sent me the music video above, it did just that. For years he's been telling me about his desire to craft a music video using the years of footage he has of his grandparents' life together. They fell in love at an early age and recorded decades of video, from their early courtship to their later years by one another's side.I often write about the legacy of those who came before us, how we each have a responsibility to honor their sacrifices by paying it forward for future generations. You can read more about that idea in a previous post about the greatest influencers in our society.

"You cannot fake authenticity." (click to Tweet)

This video perfectly exemplifies the best of that previous generation. I hope it moves you to tears in the same way it did for me. You can check out more of the band The Ludlow Thieves here, they're headlining the Music Hall of Williamsburg this Saturday night July 11th.

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